3.12. Comparison Theorems#
Assume \(\alpha\) is increasing and \(f \geq 0\) on \([a, b]\). If \(f \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\), then
Proof. Let \(P\) be any partition of \([a, b]\). On any subinterval \([x_{k-1}, x_k]\), we have \(f(x) \geq 0\) and hence
Summing up over \(k\), we obtain
Finally, taking the infimum over \(P\) yields
Because \(f \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\), its integral equals to the upper integral, hence greater than or equal to zero.
Assume \(\alpha\) is increasing and \(f \leq g\) on \([a, b]\). If \(f, g \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\), then
Assume \(\alpha\) is increasing on \([a, b]\). If \(f \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\) on \([a, b]\), then \(\abs{f} \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\) on \([a, b]\), and
Proof. Let \(\varepsilon > 0\) be arbitrary. Because \(f \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\) on \([a, b]\) equivalently, satisfying the Riemann’s condition, there exists a partition \(P_\varepsilon = \{x_0, \ldots, x_n\}\) such that \(U(P, f, \alpha) - L(P, f, \alpha) < \varepsilon\). On each subinterval \(I_k = [x_{k-1}, x_k]\), we have
Multiplying by \(\Delta \alpha_k\) on both sides and then summing over \(k\), we obtain
This implies that \(\abs{f}\) also satisfies the Riemann’s condition and hence integrable.
Then, since \(-\abs{f} \leq f \leq \abs{f}\), (3.32) is proved by applying Corollary 3.1.
If \(\abs{f}\) is integrable then \(f\) does not need to be integrable. Consider a function \(f\) on \([a, b]\) defined by
We have \(\abs{f(x)} = 1\), which is a constant and hence integrable. But \(f\) is not.
Assume \(\alpha\) is increasing on \([a, b]\). If \(f \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\) on \([a, b]\) then \(f^2 \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\) on \([a, b]\).
Proof. Suppose \(f\) is bounded by \(M > 0\) on \([a, b]\). Let \(\varepsilon > 0\) be arbitrary. Because \(f \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\) on \([a, b]\), there exists a partition \(P_\varepsilon\) of \([a, b]\) such that
We are going to show that \(f^2\) also satisfies the Riemann’s condition.
On each subinterval \(I_k\), we have
It then follows that
Multiplying by \(\Delta \alpha_k\) and then summing over \(k\) yields
An immediate consequence of the previous theorem is that the product of integrable functions is also integrable.
Assume \(\alpha\) is increasing on \([a, b]\). If \(f, g \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\) on \([a, b]\) then the product is also integrable: \(fg \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\) on \([a, b]\).
Proof. The product \(fg\) can be written as
Because the sum and difference \(f \pm g\) are integrable, so do their squares \((f \pm g)^2\) by the previous theorem. Therefore, \(fg \in \mathfrak{R}(\alpha)\) on \([a, b]\).